Pet Specialist | Writer | Speaker
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Exclusive In Home, Overnight

Care For Your companion animals



Every animal is an individual with their own way of experiencing the world around them. All companions have unique likes, dislikes, quirks, fears, and needs. That is why your special companions need their own kind of pet care designed for them alone. Dogs and cats experience separation anxiety to some degree. That is why I come to your home. The familiar surroundings reduce stress. Companions are comfortable experiencing their regular routine. Your companions need a person who provides companionship, attention to their needs, and bonds with them through consistency.

There are companions who have more complex needs. Some of my clients need additional emotional support. Some have physical needs—paralysis, cancer, diabetes, and other physical limitations. They need medication, physical assistance, and sometimes extra TLC. I care for many elderpets who need geriatric care.

I provide exclusive care. I do not service any other animals when caring for yours. I spend practically 24/7 at home with the animals. I am respectful of your property—I have no visitors.

I keep your home clean and safe. I don’t smoke (anything) or drink alcohol.

My total focus is keeping your companions happy, stress-free, and creating a lasting bond. Caring for companion animals has been my life’s work.

Read more in this article in Boulder Lifestyle Magazine.