

What services do you provide?

Along with 24/7 care of your companions and home, I give injections, special diet, fluids and multiple medications. I currently care for diabetic, paralyzed, incontinent, blind, deaf and elder pets. I also care for companions with separation anxiety, leash panic, fear, and attention disorders.

I spend almost all day and night at your home focusing on your pet’s needs. I maintain their schedule and give lots of attention and love. Some of what I provide is intangible. Bonding, love, respect and communication are inherent in my work.

For you, I provide daily updates, pictures, direct communication and peace of mind.

Why are your fees higher than most pet sitters?

My fees are higher than some and lower than others. You are paying for my expertise, training, experience and reliability. Since I will be caring for your home and animal companions, these qualifications are important. I have a 10-year track record of providing excellent service, as well as over 30 years of professional companion animal care experience.

My fees are payment for my time. I work by the calendar day, but only charge $15 for 8 hours. My base fee is $120 per calendar day. The above services are included for this fee.

If the difficulty of the work exceeds my normal services, we will discuss a fee tailored to your needs.

What home care do you provide?

I leave your home in the same or better condition than when you leave. I wash sheets and towels, water plants, clean dishes, take out trash and do some garden care in summer. I do not shovel snow or do heavy lifting.

Will you just drop by to feed cats or walk a dog?

Yes, for established clients. I have a hard time leaving pets even when I know that you are coming home in a couple hours. So when I do drop in visits, I need to know you are coming home soon.

I don't do them if you are going to be away for a few days or on vacation. It is just too difficult for me to leave animals alone for long periods of time.

What else makes you special?

I don’t drink, smoke (anything) or have visitors. I don’t have a job or pets of my own. My entire focus is on your animals. My lifelong dedication to companion animals is my best qualification.

Are you a trainer or behaviorist?

The short answer is no. I've been around companion animals for over 40 years in a professional capacity. I've known literally thousands of pets. I've picked up a familiarity and comfort level with a variety of behaviors. When I'm stumped or feel it is needed I refer to a certified trainer.

What does exclusive mean?

It means that I do not take on any other clients while I am working for you. Many sitters spend time away feeding and walking other pets.

Do you really spend 24/7?

For companions with high separation anxiety, I stay at your home at all times. I plan ahead for this. I do have a few appointments and store visits, but I do work for non-profits and write – all things I can do while keeping your pets company.

Will you travel for work?

I travel with clients throughout the US to care for their darling companions. Finding a great pet carer shouldn't depend on your location.