A Tale Of Two Puppies


Loki is a happy eight-month-old puppy. He is a Staffordshire Terrier who is full of mischief and energy. It wasn't always that way. Loki was purchased from a reputable breeder, but within a few days his health deteriorated. His new guardian was quick off the mark and got him to the vet who diagnosed parvovirus. Over the next week, Loki received the best treatment and survived his ordeal. The breeder was devastated. Each puppy in the litter had developed parvovirus. None of the others had survived. We assumed that someone looking at the puppies brought it in from another kennel.

His guardian spent over $7000 for Lucky's care. Because this was a reputable breeder, he reimbursed the entire amount to the guardians.

The second puppy has no name. She didn't have time to get one. She was a Yorkshire Terrier no bigger than your hand.  She was purchased from a pet store in Loveland for $2500 and within hours was violently ill. The veterinarian said this puppy had the worst case of a bacterial infection that he had ever seen. Unfortunately, it was not treatable and the puppy passed away less than 24 hours after being purchased.

The devastated owners went back to the pet store explaining what had happened. They showed the pet store owner the veterinary bills and wanted some kind of compensation for the horror that they had gone through. The pet store owner said “no dice, read your contract”. He would not even tell them which puppy mill the puppy had come from in order to notify them that they had a serious bacterial infection on their premises. He just didn't care.

BUYER BEWARE. All puppies in puppy stores ARE from puppy mills. Puppies sold over the internet are almost all from puppy mills. Some seemingly humane rescues are fronts for high profit retail rescues. Humane Societies and SPCAs are well regulated community resources where you can adopt a companion animal for a reasonable price. Pet supply stores make their money selling equipment, food, toys, and treats. Many cooperate with local, reputable Humane Societies. Retail pet stores that sell pets are guaranteed to have puppies from puppy mills.

Previous to the Trump administration you would have been able to get the information needed about where your puppy or kitten came from so that you could make an informed decision.  Now it takes a Freedom of information request find out. It's a shame because adopting a sick puppy causes so much heartache and can lead to the infection of other animals in the community. And the mothers and fathers they leave behind suffer in inhumane conditions every day until their bodies wear out and they are killed.

Want to know more? Go to National Mill Dog Rescue nmdr.org 

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