What Are Special Needs?


In my experience all companion animals have special needs. There are those whose needs are obvious. 

Mimi, the pug, needs a wheelie to go for her walks. Holly needs two insulin injections a day and very careful feeding because of diabetes. Max needs special feeding eight times a day. Oscar needs fluids. Nicky needs a pill.

There are needs that are not so obvious.

Jasper, adopted from rescue, has leash panic disorder. He needs special handling when he goes on walks. Sabrina, who has severe separation anxiety needs 24/7 care. Queenie needs gentle touching and a quiet environment.

Special needs to me means catering to the specific needs of each individual companion animal, just as you would to individual children. Sometimes these needs are simple – companionship, sleeping in the same place, rides in the car, comforting, play with special toys. I pay close attention to what the animals are telling me. The absence of a guardian can be very stressful and for some it can be traumatic.  I make it as pleasant as I can

As a guardian you want to make sure that your companion animal is with someone who recognizes this. I will do everything I can to keep to the regular schedule, provide physical and emotional love and support and spend lots of time with your special pet.

So what is a special need? It's any need your pet has in order to be happy.

Kate Myers