Every animal has different needs. My services are designed to meet those unique needs.
— Kate Myers

Specializing In

  • Pet Nanny

    Exclusive, in home care for special pets. 24/7 attention.

  • Grief Counseling

  • Retainer Work

  • Choosing the Right Pet for You and Your Family

  • Babysitting

  • Special foods

  • Massage

  • Medications

  • Puppies

  • Elder Pets

  • Physical disabilities

  • Medical Conditions

  • Separation Anxiety

  • Leash Panic

  • Multi-pet Households

  • Nanny travel

  • Injections and fluids

  • Connections and appointments with special care providers (vets, chiropractic, laser, acupuncture)


What are special needs?

When I began 12 years ago I was mostly caring for animals with physical and emotional needs. Today companion animal guardians realize that my care is what they want for their fur family. This is a higher level of care that I call “Concierge Care”. It isn’t right for everyone, but for guardians who consider their pets as part of the family, my care is perfect.


I will meet you at your home. Along with meeting your companion(s), I will listen to you about you and your companion’s needs, likes and dislikes, and special requirements. This will be our free meet and greet. Open communication is really important during this meeting. Share with me any fears or concerns you have. Tell me about your relationship. Let me know any quirks or special things she loves. We should know by the end of the meeting if we are a fit. We’ll schedule a first 2-day overnight at this time.


We will plan for scheduling, arrival time, special instructions and how much contact you’d like. I usually provide twice daily updates for this initial stay, but for some folks “no news is good news”. I will ask for your itinerary, written instructions, and emergency contacts. I need to know about emergency shut-offs and where flashlights and candles are. If you are leaving your car, I’ll need the keys. If you have an emergency kit ready, show it to me. I’ll also need a “permission to treat” for your vet in case of emergencies.

I was taking care of two large, older dogs during the 2013 floods. We were strongly advised to evacuate. As the water was rising, I realized I had no idea where the shut-offs were. Lesson learned.

First overnight

I will be there when you leave so your companion knows that you are leaving her with me. In my experience it takes about two days for highly guardian-bonded companions to begin bonding with me. My first overnight is very important. I’ll be there 24/7 in order for her to know me. I stay until you get home so that she will know that she is safe until you return.

Attention to detail

Consistency is vital to developing trust. Your companion’s schedule is very important and I will follow it to the letter. I am respectful of your home. I will take in the mail, water your plants and leave your home in the condition I found it. Visits to the vet, groomer or other appointment are an option, as well as arranging for acupuncture, massage and chiropractic. If you’d like some training to be done, it can be arranged.

Emotional connection

Most girls wanted the Prince in Disney movies. I wanted to have all the forest animals love me. From the time I was small, I felt an intangible connection to animals.

Creating an emotional connection with companion animals is very important. Animals live on an emotional level and need this to feel safe. I spend time nurturing this connection.


This process takes a stay or two with your companion to develop fully. The moment that your companion looks at me and the connection is made is one of the most significant moments in my life. Once bonded we will be friends forever. I have always had a great affinity with animals.


Keeping you posted is a primary part of being a nanny. I’ll send photos and updates, do Facetime, and respond quickly to any concerns you have while traveling. I have no problem with “Nannycams” if they make you feel more secure or you want to see your companions. I do appreciate knowing about any cameras. If I have questions or concerns I get in touch immediately.

Why I’m unique

I create a relationship with your pets enabling them to relax and feel safe.

I provide full time, exclusive, in home, overnight service. That means I take no other jobs while working for you and am with your fur family all day, except for errands. I don’t drink, smoke (anything) or have visitors while at your home. My full attention is on your animals. I don’t have my own pets, so I can lavish all my love on yours! I am careful and considerate of your property and security and care for plants, gardens, mail and trash.

I have an extensive animal welfare background spanning four decades. This has been all I’ve ever wanted to do. It’s been a privilege to care for and love the many animals I’ve known.

My entire adult life has been dedicated to working for and with companion animals. This is not a side job or a way to make some extra money. It is my profession. You can relax and leave your companion’s care in my hands.