New Service!

My fees may seem high if you have been paying less for pet sitting. I am a professional caregiver with many years of experience and expertise. I dedicate myself. I don’t do this as a side job or to make a little extra money - this is my life.

My daily fees are the equivalent to working at McDonald’s for 8 hours or a 90-minute massage.

My flat fee is $120 - $180 per calendar day. My services are exclusive - I take on no other work while caring for your companions.

In cases of financial concern, I work on a sliding scale. I’m almost always able to work something out. Please don’t hesitate to ask! I try very hard never to turn down a special-needs animal.

For new customers, I require a deposit at the time of booking the stay. This is half the total fee for the stay. Should you cancel, I will return your deposit if I am able to re-book the dates.


I love to travel. Traveling to take care of a precious pet makes it even better. Great pet care shouldn't depend on where you live and I am very willing to travel to you.

I also travel with my clients while they are on vacation so that they can have their darling companion with them, but still be free to enjoy sightseeing, time alone, shopping, and eating at great restaurants.

If this sounds like a fit for you, please contact me.