Meatball And Me


No matter what size, shape or purpose all breeds retain the essence of dog. That is what makes them so wonderful. Meatball, the Chihuahua, weighs 4 1/2 pounds and is 9 inches from tip to tail. He is very small. He is 15 years old. He resembles Mickey Mouse. The origin of his name is shrouded in mystery. However, I believe it is because when he is curled up he looks rather like a large meatball. 

Meatball spends a lot of his life trying not to be stepped on. He lives in a household with another Chihuahua named Gary, two Bulldogs and two Persian cats. All are rescues. His guardians are lovely people with humane and compassionate souls. Who else would adopt a dog who looks like a meatball?

Meatball holds a special place in my heart. I’ve been caring for him for about five years. He's quite the little old gentleman now. Other than some slight heart trouble for which he takes medication, he is amazingly healthy. He follows me around the house (avoiding my feet), 

The wonderful thing about Meatball is that as small as he is, he is a dog. He craves comfort and affection. He loves his guardians and, because I am very fortunate, he loves me. When he goes outside he lifts his little leg to mark his territory. He wags. When one of the bulldogs tries to sit on him he protests. He protects his food bowl with great bravery. He sleeps on my chest and snores. He rolls over for tummy rubs. He sniffs the news in the vast jungle of his backyard. He loves unconditionally. Yes, Meatball is a dog and there is no greater compliment than that.

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